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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Yo...拿督斯里林敬益, 不知又有什么话要说了!
请锁定 Astro AEC, 就事论事,
这个星期六(3-5-08), 晚間 10.30pm.
可別错过了这个长輩的论坛 oh!


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愚公移山 said...

Dear CKL,sorry to say that i dont agree with your comment pertaining to your response to 青天白月. If your are a Gerakan member then I hope you better get rid of the mentality which non member should not commend about Gerakan. You must understand that at the end of the day it is the public vote Gerakan in (or out in this recent GE). I welcome the good gesture from 青天白月 for his fair comment and the most applaudable is he got the "balls" to leave his REAL identification. This is so called talk without fear or favour. Bravo!

Unknown said...

Hi 愚公移山, if you're a member or leader in Gerakan, sorry I don't agree to your comments. Being a Gerakan member or leader, how do you handle the attack or cyber-war and protect your party??? Be SILENT and LISTEN? Just like what Gerakan has been in practise for almost 40 years?

If you're a member or leader in Gerakan, please Stand up and Speak up... let us see you're dare to protect your party, even when the inroad comes from a friend of yours. Please correct their mindset! Not always be SILENT and LISTEN to comments from others!

During General Election, members of Gerakan "listened" to all kind of comments from the public, being silent! So what happened? Total Lost in Penang! Members of other political parties, especially DAP, PKR & PAS are also the ones who have the right to vote Gerakan... Do you listen to their comments?

Silent Politic is no longer useful, or it should not be useful, anyway!

Please correct the mindset of the public and protect your party, by all means. Of course, NVM & sorry if you're not a member or leader in Gerakan!

pharmacyproduct2u said...

Friends, I only ordinary citizens, I am not a politician & did not join political parties. I do not see my comments are destructive. I only hope that the Gerakan in the next general election can break a way out, as advocated by the Gerakan is multi-ethnic political line. I sympathize with the Gerakan party in general election because it actually dragged by racial party. So I hope that the Gerakan will protect themselves from the racial party,but not to attack ordinary people like me.
From 青天白月

愚公移山 said...

hi iggy, friend or not friend this is another issue.In politic sometimes "enemies" gains my respect more than "friends".

If you are saying "During General Election, members of Gerakan "listened" to all kind of comments from the public, being silent" this is ABSOLUTELY not true and you are being not fair to Gerakan. ANd you must be either didnt read or hide at home during the period of campaign.

We must learn to accept suggestion and criticism. Dont be too defensive and paranoid.

We always stand up and speak up through various platforms and channels. If you open your eyes and ears big enough you will aware of this.

忠言逆耳。 聽不聽由不得我!

Unknown said...

Dear 青天白月, yours noted.

Please don't treat that as an "attack" but a "defend" instead.
After the failure of Gerakan in the recent general election, the members have been quite "sensitive in terms of unity" as we cannot afford to fail again, in the next general election.

Like what Dato' Seri Lim Keng Yaik mentioned at the AEC of Astro yesterday that Gerakan should not have lost entirely at the recent general election. But, it's the fact that people hate BN more than loving Gerakan, even though Gerakan has been doing their best in the general public, not in the whole of Malaysia but at least Penang.

He added, the failure mostly attributed to the "silent-momentum" of Gerakan in the past years. So, do you expect the members to be silent again? Of course, it's NOT supposed to shout for the sake of shouting. But, members are encouraged to make right the wrong perception of others.

It's always good to defend the party, if something pop-ups (esp negative comments). If we don't defend, then when do you think the best time to safeguard the party?

We start learning to be more defensive, not only for the party but for the whole community.

You may be classified as an ordinary people, but me too. No one is so special in the society! But, I can see that you're very concerned over the political situation in Malaysia. As such, you may consider enrol to the family of Gerakan and let's work together for the benefit of all our friends - Malaysians!

I'm a member of Gerakan but I'm NOT paid to be a member. It's NOT necessary for me to defend Gerakan, but I have my responsibility being a member. Of course, I'm NOT dare to turn-around the situation for Gerakan, but at least I can defend the party on occasions especially on line. Unlike others, I choose not to be a nice man on some occasions like this. Otherwise, NO point for me to be part of the party.

Similarly, someone attacks your family member whether directly or indirectly, do you keep silent and collect the comments for your future improvement or you would try to defend your family member too?

Sorry for the unnecessary virtual comment, that hurts you. But, I hope you would understand the feeling of others too.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi 愚公移山, you may be right! the group of opponents gain the most respect. This is due to their ways of approach, including the use of cyber-war. We should learn from these strategies. So, we should learn the art and science of cyber-war, of course defending the group is a basic requirement.

Yes, you might had stood and spoken during the GE, but was it laud enough? or only to a small group of hundreds or to 40k-50k of Malaysians in presence, like DAP/PKR ones? So, Notwithstanding! We're to learn from the lesson, How to gather a group of 40k-50k to listen to us? Then, our "voice" is therefore valid and effective. Please don't think that work is done, the final result is more important! You see the power of blogging of Jeff Ooi, he defends and attacks via internet! But, he would NOT attack his own group and claim that's the way of improvement?!

Jeff ooi never ask the supporters to open their eyes and ears bigger before they're able to notice? Nothwithstanding, please evaluate or form an idea of level of your voice? If you claim that you have done so?

Yes, you're right "忠言逆耳。 聽不聽由不得我!" But, do you have a good mirror?

Ok, let's stop here, we have much more to do for the benefit of Gerakan. Importantly, protect your party and your members, even on the internet, please.

Stand Up Speak Up, with a higher in volume!

Thank you.

百合 said...

哗!, 怎麽我的 blog 忽然在一夜之间就熱閙起來了呢! 首先, 谢谢你们的浏览和评论. 不过, 可不要傷和气, 要以和为贵, 遵守自由言论的规矩喔!

青天白月啊! 是否有听过"失败为成功之母",
这就是政治游戏, 是人类滿足自己心靈空虛 的另一个戰爭與和平! 黑貓或白貓能捉老鼠的就是好貓,管它是什麽党.

如果, 每个运动员都有像你相似的想法, 在比赛中输掉, 難不成他们就要跳槽到別的运动领域去了吗! 假设, 民政再轉变, 到那时候, 高不成, 低不就, 而且还成了老鼠过街, 人人喊打, 挺不是更低劣. 你看看, 火箭们都可以用四十年的光陰和不服输的精神才能有今天治政的机会. 所以, 留得青山在, 不愁没柴烧. 民政因絯没有那麽弱不禁風, 这麼容易被摧毀吧!

所谓, 世上无难事, 只怕有心人. 况且, 槟州堡垒被火箭蓝眼夺去才只不过是二个月的时間. 難到, 你希望看到民政認输和解散吗! 何必用消极的态度看民政呢! 为民政党员们打打气吧!

据我所知, 民政创党以來都是走多元种族路线. 只是, 后期的接班人慢慢淡忘了它们的理念. 这点民政因该反省反省.

最后, 我希望看到你所谓民政党素质高的党员们能抱着宁为玉碎, 不为瓦全的决心, 战胜敌对.

pharmacyproduct2u said...

